Friday, April 6, 2012

unwritten rules of friendship"!!!

                                                                photo by: mi :)

So I didn't know what to write about until Ms. K gave me a idea of friendship.  So I'm going to write about the unwritten rules of friendship. Friendship is a really big deal to me I try to be a good friend and all and I would like it if my friends are good to me.

 -First rule is don't talk behind a friends back.
This is a important rule because by talking behind your friends back would ruin your whole friendship. Also talking behind a FRIENDS back is being FAKE to them and keep this in mind someone would here you and tell them, always happens. I think if you really are friends  why are you talking smack.

 - Second rule, is to not take your friends boy friend.
The worst thing to do is take their boyfriend or go out with him while your best friend  still  has feelings  for them.

-Third and last rule is always be there for them.
 This is an important rule because everyone know that being there for when a friend needs you shows you're a really good friend. Being there for them shows how much you care for them, and makes you a better friend.