Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Sumo wrestlers

Have you  ever seen a sumo wrestler now that's disturbing . Sumo is a disturbing sport itself because it contains fat guys fighting. Technically the whole point is to make the other opponent go out  the circular ring. In  this sport you need two sumo wrestlers that have to be dressed in a certain type of cotton robe.
Sumo Wrestlers and their Outfits 
Sumo wrestlers are disturbing looking because their outfits are worn within in different ranks . Like Rikishi in Jonian and below are allowed to wear only a thin cotton robe called a Yukata. Wrestlers in the Makushita and Sandanme divisions can wear a form of a traditional short overcoat over their Yukata and are allowed to wear straw sandals called Zori. The higher ranked Sekitori can wear silk robes of their own choice and the quality of the garb is scientifically improved.
Sumo Wrestlers and their Size
Unfortunately sumo wrestlers have to weight a specific amount of weight to be a sumo wrestler which is so disturbing because nobody would want to see so much fatness on a person because really that just is not right. Sumo wrestlers are kind of weird in my opinion because of how they are so fat but like still wear those little robes.
 Sumo Wrestlers and their Eating Habits
Sumo wrestlers have to eat allot to maintain their big shape which I find disturbing because really how could you fit so much food inside a humans body. Did you know that sumo wrestlers skip breakfast but eat allot during lunch time? They  usually have to eat food like coked stew, fish, and meat.
Well lastly my point is sumo wrestlers are disturbing.

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