Thursday, May 31, 2012
How To Survive Crossing the Border
To survive jumping the border is doing the following. Pacing your self with water watch out for the helicopters, watch out for the border control you have to pace yourself with water, and try not to get caught.
Step 1: Pace your self with water.
You have to pace your self with water when your crossing the border. Because you walk for a long time and your in the desert. Also if you run out of water your pretty much going to dehydrate. Another thing is that you don't drink the water just to drink it. Because you have to make it last. If your thirsty you have to just drink a little bit.
Step 2: You always have to watch out for the helicopters
You have to watch out for the helicopters because if they spot you then your going to get cuaght. Also if you see 1 you have to hide in the bushes or trees or plants. Another thing is that if have to warn others if you hear one. Also if have to hide until you don't see it or hear it nearby. For example you hide behind a bush or something right away.
Step 3: Immigration or Border Control
You have to watch out for the border control. For example they might be on quuads, trucks, or on foot. If you see one you either have to hide or run. But most of the time you have to run. Because if you hide its more of a chance there going to find you. If your going to run you better run like you never ran before because if you get caught they will send you back to the country your from.
Step 4: Pacing Your Self with Food
You have to pace your self with food because you have to have energy. Also you have to make your food last until your in the United States. Or until you go to a safe house. another thing is that you cant last more days than you thought you were gonna last. So you have to take care of your food. You have to eat because you need energy to be walking all those in the hills.
Step 5; Don't Get Caught
Try not to get caught because if you do you have to go to the immigration system. When you do that the immigration people take like if you were in jail. They check your record to see if you've tried to cross the border illegally before. Next they will to take you back to your country. and next they tell you that you can't go into the United States for a certain amount of years.
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
How To Survive: Junior High;)
This is probably how some people feel while at junior high.

Nice Clothes and Shoes
The first step to surviving junior high is having nice clothes, shoes and awesome hair. A reason why its good to have those three things is because there are some really mean people at juniors highs who will talk about you if you come to school looking not so good. Some people I know will say stuff like "You look like a hobo" or "did you find those clothes in the dumpster". They just say some stupid stuff that doesn't really need to be said like that person could be going through something and your sitting up there making fun of them like really.
Awesome Personality
The second step to surviving junior high is that you should come to school with an awesome personality. A reason being is because if you come to school with a horrible attitude no body is going to want to hang out with and then you will have no friends and be a loner, well in less you find some people who are just like you. Its also good to have an awesome personality because you will probably have a lot of friends who will have your back and be there through thick or thin. And with that personality you will probably not be in that much drama, well in less there are people jealous of you.
Have A Lot of Good Friends
The third step to surviving junior high is if you have a lot of good friends to back you up if your in drama or something. Another reason why its good to have a lot of friends is because if your an only child, like me, you can always have your friends over if you get bored or something. Its also good to have them around if you need to get out of trouble or if you get blamed for something you did at school. A last reason why its good to have a lot of good friends is because they can give you some good advice if, well if you need it.
The fourth reason is stay out of drama! Just whatever you do just stay out of it. Its kind of like being in a mafia because once your in it you lose almost everything like your friends and sometimes your business gets out there. Its also hard to get out of it because like everywhere you go its right behind you, stocking you like prey and ready to pounce on you like a cheetah! But the worst part about being in drama is when you lose your close friends because now who do you have to tell your secrets to, to goof around with and to be yourself around, NO ONE! and you do not want that because then you start to feel guilty and so does other person but sometimes that person still doesn't want to be friends with you, which is all bad because they know everything about you, all your secrets even the bad ones!
Don't Tell Your Business to Everyone
The final step to surviving junior high is don't tell your business to everyone. Sometimes you shouldn't even tell your best friend because if you guys get in an argument and your friend has a huge grudge towards you, then she/he may tell everybody your business and you don't want that. Some people may even switch your little secret around so you look bad and then everybody is probably not going to want nothing to do with you, which is all bad. Thats why you should sometimes keep your mouth zipped, especially if its something nasty or weird. Another thing is if someone tells you their business and then later on you guys get in argument, be the bigger person and don't tell their business to everyone even if they may have done that to, well in less your the kind of person who seeks revenge>:).
As you can see going to junior high is tiring, just like paddling in the ocean. But if you follow these five steps then I'm sure you can stop paddling and just float and let the ocean take you to safety...maybe.
How to survive: Tutoring Little Kids

Tutoring little kids IS difficult, especially when you don't like them!
I used to go over to the elementary school and tutor the 1st and 2nd graders and it. was. HORRIBLE. If you thought I hated little kids before you wouldn't even understand how I feel about them now. But even though I can't stand small people, I know make sure they don't know. Thus making me an expert on Tutoring Little Kids! Follow these 5 rules:
Rule #1: Be nice. If you're nice to them then they trust you. This one little boy that sat at my table used to act so nice to me. Why? because he trusted me. It turns out he trusted me so much he decided that he could say WHATEVER he wanted. Its up to you to imagine how that went.
This one teacher told me I was really good with kids and I just looked at her laughed and said I hate them. Not because they don't know that y=mx+b but because once little kids turn 5 they start to develop a personality. I'm not saying personality is bad but IT SURE IS ANNOYING! But hey if you like little kids then by all means TUTOR AWAY! And if you don't then stay away from them because they're evil and I would know I used to growl.
Photo by: Rosh PR
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Surviving Parents Argument "!!!!!
-The first step is NEVER agree with one of them.
Agreeing with one of your parents over the other one is the worst thing to do. You should not do this or you will hurt your parents feelings. Also by just agreeing with one of them will get you on their bad side. Your parents will give you that EVIL look.
- Second DO NOT pick side!!!
If you pick side you are going to make one parent look superior then the other one, and it's going to start more chaos. This one is basically like rule one but more specific.
- Third and most important step don't EVER TALK/ give YOUR OPINION
By giving your opinion is going to become in to a life lesson to you. If your parent asks for "what you think" just stay quite and they will just keep talking. If you tell them "what you think" they will yell at you and give you a speech on how they are right.
So best way to survive your parents argument without getting yelled at and almost killed is to STAY OUT OF IT!!!
How To Survive An Earthquake
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Photo By: digitalsadhu |
How to survive earthquakes. Survining earthquakes isn't actually that hard,depending on how big the earthquake is and where your location is.
Here are some few quick and easy steps you can follow to survive an earthquake:
-canned food
-extra clothing and or shoes (not necessary)
- battery radios
-first aid
These are just some of the few things that you would need in order to probably survive an earthquake.
Survival Tips:
-if your house was not damaged by the earthquake the best thing to do would be to probably stay there.
-if your house is damaged the best thing to do would get out of there and to find shelter as fast as possible.
-help those who are injured or that need help.
-search to see if anyone is hurt.
-wait until the police/firemen say its OK to go back into your home.
-stay away from damaged homes.
What to do when an earthquake is happening:
If an earthquake was to be happening these would be the best things to do for safety:
-go under a hard and stable surface.
-make sure your arms,feet, and head are under the hard and stable surface.
-you can also go under a door frame for safety.
-stay away from windows, glass objects, hanging lights.
If you follow those steps you would probably be able to make your way out of the earthquake safely and uninjured.
Link to Photo:
Friday, May 18, 2012
Group Work -.-
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Photo by: AlyssaDreadful |
I can't stand slackers ! Do NOT ask to be my partner if you wont do a thing to help. Slackers seem to just sit back and let the other person do the work. Yes, they ask if i need help but when I need something their most likely unprepared. Remember this is BOTH of our grade and if I get anything lower than my standards I'm come for YOU. Also, these people get the same grade/credit, even if they didn't even touch on the situation. I know this shouldn't tick me off as much as it does but I worked my soul off getting stuff done and you just sit there. If your thinking you get a free ride to an A, don't be surprise when I leave to do my own thing.
I love working ALONE! I know what I want/need for anything thats thrown at me. Instead of dealing with othe opinions like "Oh i dont like that" or "Umm.... Thats cool I guess...". NO ! I'm too creative for that, my mind is like a dreamland of greatness, if someone puts down that greatness with something bland I FREAK ! Plus many times I have a project with group workers I'm working my butt off for perfection, and if it's not perfect i just say "Do what you want, I tried, I'm done". After I say that the "slackers" go crazy and end up asking for help in the end. So if I'm going to do the work, might as well make my own project.
Some may say that group work could help with "social skills" but honestly if not everyone is helping then it's not really a GROUP project. Like Batman I'd rather work alone, and I'll call Robin IF I need help.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Group work
Is group work good or bad? Group work can be seen as a positive thing to help or a negative but everyone has a different point of view about group work. Will group work always work or not? Depends on the situation well for my case it does. Will you get something good out of group work? Whether you make something good out of it and actually are fair. Personally I think that group work is good and helpful.
Reasons why group work could be good
Group work could be good because there is always an opportunity to meet new people. You also get to see their abilities to do different stuff and you could always learn from someone new a new ability. It could also be good because you get to split the work in equal parts so it will not be whole lots of work when you do a project. Therefore it's not so much home work or projects and you won't have to stress out. This are the positive ways you could look at group work.
Reasons why group work could be bad
Group work could be bad because there might be a situation where all of your members are lazy and effortless.Thefore that would mean more work for yourself and more effort has to be put in to it. It could also be bad because you might get chosen with the same person again and again that you might not like or not want in your group. Inclusively the fact that the project might be big and is worth a lot of points and you don’t finish it thanks to your other teammates that would also stink. Lastly this group work thing might not always work for you because you might be used to working alone.
Conclusively this means that it’s whether up to you if group work works for you or not. Or it could be up to you wheteher to make your group work fun or not. Just remember all you do is do the right thing to make group work actually work.
Monday, May 14, 2012
GROUP WORK !!!!?? :D
Now the bad things about group work is that if you get a lazy partner you're going to have to do all the work. People don't always think the same or like different things and this is bad when you're working in groups. Also some people are very bossy and mean and I would hate being in a group with someone like that. What also sucks about group work is that there are some people that hate humanity and dislike working with strangers. When people think they are better then others or dislike their partners makes other people feel bad and not want to do group works.
So that is what I think about group work is bad but good at times, it all just depends and for cocky people stop being rude, and if you are going to be in a group make the best of it don't b mean okay bye.
photo by: me
Group Work : Good or Bad
Drinking age
Everywhere you go there are many different opinions about whether to keep the drinking age the same or lowering it to 18. Many people believe the drinking age should stay at age 21. Why increase alcohol consumption by youth? There is other people who want to lower the drinking age to 18. So why would they want to risk more teens lives. I believe the drinking age should stay at 21.
My first reason they drinking age should stay at 21 is because there shouldn't be any reason not to save 800 lives a year. There have been researchers showing rates and statistics about alcohol. for example....''back in the 1790s, a number of states lowered the drinking age from 21 to 18, and we saw an increase in alcohol consumption by youth. When it was raised again in1984 back to 21,we saw lower consumption of alcohol, and we've kept those lower rates.
My second reason why I believe we should keep the drinking age to 21 is because there has been more research that show that it is bad to lower the drinking age to 18. "The research shows that if a youth starts drinking alcohol before age 14, their chances of becoming addicted or having an alcohol -related crash or getting into a fight increases....” There are also more probabilities of a younger teen to be drinking alcohol. "A 16 year old or a 14 -year old doesn't look 21, but they may look 18." This is my second reason why I disagree with lowering the drinking age to 18.
I think that there are some dumb arguments in the side of why we should lower it to 18. For example "...The person could drink with permission of the parent or in the parents home....” I mean please what kind of teenager would ask for permission to their parents to drink alcohol or to get drunk. I disagree with lowering the drinking age to 18 because there really isn't enough good arguments on why to lower the drinking age to 18. My opinion is that if you were to know teens they are all not really good kids you could always trust and less trust you should have when talking about alcohol. Therefore I disagree with lowering the drinking age to 18 and I want it to stay at 21.
Friday, May 11, 2012
Group Work

1. The Slacker: Usually pulls out their phone and ignores everything anyone says. Most likely to get you an "F".
2. The Excuse Machine:" Yea Jenny I'll bring everything on Saturday," and shows up at your house with a pencil and a mouth full of excuses!
3. The Forget you guys I'll do it myself then: This person usually becomes very controlling and never gets married(ha!).
Group Work....Ummmm...

Well group work has its ups and downs. Sometimes it can be awesome but other times I just to want pull my hair out or fight somebody(especially when I'm annoyed).
A reason why working together is awesome is because when you or a friend are stuck on something you guys can work together as a group. You can also hangout with your friends and you guys can all do the project together. An you guys technically don't have to just talk about the project you guys can also talk about other stuff.
A reason why working together is horrible is because the other people(your friends) don't do squat! Which is super annoying, like really its not that hard to glue a piece of paper or something to a piece of cardboard! They act like they have to run a cross country race! Its also annoying when your friends come up with stuff, but their talking about a whole different thing.
For example:your project is about world history but there throwing ideas out that have to do with P.E. like really!you can seat up there and talk about P.E. but you can't talk about the assignment.#ANNOYING! and thats how I feel about group work.
P.S. if your friend asks to do a project with you and when you guys worked together before and they didn't do squat all you have to say is WORK TOGETHER MY BUTT!.
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Drinking Age Debate
I agree with the drinking age to stay at 21 because there is no problem with it. Also I think that it should stay at 21 because, if you start drinking at a young age you will become a alcoholic. Another reason is that if they lower it, you get a permit. What will happen next a student taking out a beer in class saying teacher i have a drinking permit. Also since they have kept it at 21, it has saved 800 live a year.
One thing I think that is ridiculous is the DARE program. This is a program that is in 70% of the schools in the country and there is no evidence that it is working. So its just a waste of money and time, and if this is a waste of money and time who says that this drinking permit isn't. So this is ridiculous and there is no evidence that Dare helps students, it actually more to into drinking and people to drink more frequently. Another reason why its dumb to lower the drinking age because if they lower it a lot of teens are driving by 18 and if you mix that with drinking that will be a lot of fatalities.
Is Lowering The Drinking Age A Good Idea?

There is a debate going on if the drinking age should be lowered to 18 or stay at 21, like why lower it if its working? The people who think that it should be lowered to 18 are arguing that if you learn about alcohol and get a permit you will have the privilege to drink. But the other side says that leaving it at 21 is great because it saves about 800 lives per year. So thats I believe that the drinking age should stay at 21.
My first reason why I believe it should stay at 21 is because there has been less car accidents that had to deal with drinking. An by bringing the age up to 21 800 lives per year have been saved. Binge drinking has also lowered down in 8th-12th graders. In the 70's most states lowered the age of drinking to18 an there was an increase alcohol consumption. But then in the 80's they brought the drinking age back up to 21 and now there are lower alcohol consumptions.
My second reason why keeping the drinking age at 21 is because if we were to lower the drinking age back to 18 again more kids would have an advantage to get alcohol in there system. A reason why they would have an advantage is because a 14 year old or a 16 year old can get away with looking like a 18 year old but they wouldn't be able to get away as a 21 year old. Another reason why I don't think its a good idea to lower the drinking age to 18 is because once a 17 year old turns 18 they will won't to go crazy and party like a so called rockstar which leads them into getting super drunk and they may get in a fight or do something they will regret the next morning.
As you can see lowering the drinking age to 18 doesn't do NO JUSTICE TO THE USA. So why lower it when it does needs to be lowered.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
The Right Drinking Age?
My opinion about all this is, that the drinking age should be lowered to 18. One of the reasons I believe this, is because rising the drinking age would get more kids in trouble. My point is that since kids that are 18 are not allow to buy beer or alcohol they are sometimes tempted to steel it, and this is bad for the stores to because when someone steels something they loss money. Another reason is like this article said since 18 year old are allowed to join the army they might as well be able to buy beer at the same age .
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Photo by : illmindofernest |
"Raising the drinking age to 21 has saved about 800 lives a year" ! 10 years from now that would be 8,000 lives. If we lowered the drinking age, 8,000 live might be taken or greatly effected in a negative way. Ever since they raised the age binge drinking among younger kids had decreased. If we lower it then that percentage is just going to shoot back up. Also most teens under 18 look 18, all they need to do is get that permit and then they'll be drinking too, or an 18 year old friend can get them some. Now if these younger teens start drinking alcohol, their chances of getting addicted, getting into a car crash, or getting into fights INCREASE ! That is BAD ! By lowering the age your actually increasing the chance of a kid dying or getting severely injured.
I Like the whole getting educated on safe drinking idea, BUT we shouldn't lower the age. Think about how many lives could be in danger, especially with more people on the road drunk. If you want to prevent under age drinking then lowering the age is definitely not the answer.
Source Used: LA TIMES
Drinking Age Argument
Photo By: kwazy |
My first reason for why I think driving should be kept at age twenty-one is because many problems may occur if this law was to be passed. For example, "research shows that if a youth starts drinking alcohol before age fourteen, their chances of becoming addicted or having an alcohol-related crash or getting into a fight increases" (Is Lowering the Drinking Age a Good Idea?, Ogilivie). I know the argument is about wether or not to lower the during age to eighteen or not, and you are probably asking yourself, why does the quote say "fourteen"? It is because if we lower the drinking age to eighteen it may lead teens or even children to drinking since they might they are close enough to being eighteen.
My second reason for why I think driving should be kept at age twenty-one is because it may also lead to D.U.I. crash related incidents. Another example is "Raising the drinking age to twenty-one saves about 800 lives a year"(Is Lowering the Drinking Age a Good Idea?, Ogilivie). That quote now proves how many lives are being saved each year, because they drinking age is twenty-one. Now just think how many eighteen year olds get drunk and than drive, and get into incidents where people's lives are taken, because of careless,underage drunk drivers.
In the counter argument where people think the drinking age should be lowered to eighteen it says "The person (eighteen year old) could drink with permission of the parent or in the parent's home, or only in restaurants or bars." (Is Lowering the Drinking Age a Good Idea?, Ogilivie). Now in my opinion that is a very bad idea. Just think about it there are so many careless parents in the world that wouldn't really care if their children are drinking or getting drunk, some parents may even be getting drunk with their child and driving. Now that would be a very ba situation to be put in, just think about all the life's that could be taken.
18 year old Drinkers? We're ALL going to die.....

Ahh yes, try to picture a young girl. She's at a little get together with her friends and if you listen closely you can hear them.... But what is it that they are telling her?...... ch-chu-chug"? CHUG! That’s it! Her "friends" are encouraging her to consume a giant bottle of Vodka!! *sigh* How delightful don't you think? OF COURSE NOT!!!!!! Drinking before your 21 is one of the stupidest things you could make legal in this country! So why are people trying to lower the drinking age?
According to this article on the issue its because it doesn't harm young people "intellectually or behaviorally" That doesn't justify the fact that drinking, no matter how old, can mess up your liver! So yeah lets all just give our teenagers booze, kidney problems, and while were at it rat poisoning in a Bob the Builder sippy cup!!!
In all seriousness I feel like lowering the drinking age is, well, stupid. We all know that teens drink; just because drinking is illegal doesn't mean they are going to stop. It means that it'll be harder for them to get drunk because there is only a limited amount of people willing to break the law for an 18 year old.
So even though they're going to drink, it won't be as much compared to the amount of drinking they would be doing if it were legal. Its not gonna kill anyone to leave the drinking age alone, but once it gets lowered about 800 people will die every year because of drunk idiots! I mean really what is lowering the drinking age really going to do for America but cause accidents? From my perspective, it’s like telling a bunch of 18 year olds that it’s legal to shoot each other in the dark.
Photo By: looseandfastwithlanguage
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Description of the Propaganda
In this poster, a large big octopus looks like it is taking over the world. The big blue octopus has a big ugly nose which would be a symbol for Jewish with big noses. The octopus's face is all ugly and ruined it looked like if it had some disease. I also noticed the ink coming out of his tentacles and spreading all over the world. It was also pretty clear the big Scar of David on top of the octopus (which is a symbol of Jews).The picture's color also made it noticeable how the only thing colored was the big octopus and its ink to make it stand out.
The message of this picture is that Jews are trying to take over the whole world. This is obvious because the octopus has all its tentacles around the world. Especially if you actually look close enough you will notice that each tentacle is dripping two squirts of ink. The poster combined the ugly features with the noticeable color of the octopus to make it look dangerous and like infectious. This is so it would get scared, angry or disgusted other people that saw it.
Propaganda Technique #1
They used the technique of making it Big. They used it because in the picture you could right away see the big octopus and the world under it. They also made the Jewish sign big and clear enough to see. They actually were pretty smart of where to place it be case when you look at a picture you start from the top usually so right away you could see The Scar of David. They also made the big ink stand out coming out from the tentacles.
Propaganda Technique#2
The other technique used was making it simple. They used it for example with the octopus which looked all big disgusting and harmful. They also used it with the world how it was getting full of the octopus's ink and that looked contagious. Lastly they used it with the Jewish sign just representing them really simple to figure out.
The Jews "Taking Over World"

In this picture there is a big octapus that looks like it is trying to take over the world. It looks pretty dumbfounded it also has a big droopy nose and its huge and fat. It also looks like it is squirting out ink to poison the world. It has a huge David Star hanging over his head, so who can know that it is most likely a Jew.
The message that the artist is trying to send is that Jews are dangerous people who should be blamed for everything. An that they are poisoning the world with all the stuff they do which is
One of the propaganda techniques that artists have been using in the pictures are repetition. They keep sending messages to the reader that are making the reader think that Jews are mean people. Like in this picture the reader is sensing that the Jews are mean horrible people who just want to take over the world.
And the second propaganda that artist use in the pictures are make it big. They make the situation bigger than what it is suppose to be. For example in the picture with the Jew whipping people is a lie because one Jew can't just grow that big and take over the world. And Jews don't have hair shaped like horns growing from there forehead like really!?!
Disturbing Stuff:/

The thing that I find disturbing is STALKERS. I find them disturbing because they just love to stock people and its weird. Like who decides to just peek threw somebody's window or like follow them everywhere they go like really!!come on now you can be doing something else instead of wasting your time stalking somebody you most likely won't get with you.
Its also weird when the person who is stalking you can be your own family member or friend and you don't even know it until you catch them peeking threw your window. Its also weird that stalkers only stalk one person most of the time like if I was a stalker I would like stalk like three people at least so I won't get bored stalking the same person.
Its also disturbing when stalkers are like super old. For example like when you hear on the news that there was a stalker who was like 50-60 years old stalking a like 12 year old little girl or little boy. Like once again who does that!?! I swear people these days but whatever is there life.
Holocaust Propaganda
Main propaganda technique: using some truth
Of course in order for it to be proper propaganda, see what I did there ;), only part of it is true: some Jews did have big noses but it wasn't all of them. Also the part about the Jesus killing thing was partially true.
Other propaganda technique: Fear
The mother tells her kid that the Jews only pretend to be nice, to know that people are capable of being the devil but act nice is SCARY. She is definitely not getting Mom of the Year! And if I knew that my next door neighbor killed Jesus I'd be pretty freaked out but I guess that's just something you told your children back then. Who am I to argue peoples' child raising methods? I don't even HAVE kids!!
Anyways that's how Hitler used children's books to brainwash kids' minds back then during the holocaust. TTFN, Ta Ta For Now(Tigger voice)
p.s. I would have gotten you guys a picture but this ignorant computer won't let me use the letter "S" in the search box sorry..... :0
Describing propaganda: In the short children story book "The Poisonous Mushroom," a mother and her child are picking up mushrooms from a field. The kid just happens to come across some poisonous mushrooms, the mother then explains to him that the poisonous mushrooms are like people ( Jews). She tells the kid that one single mushroom is very dangerous. She then starts scaring the child saying that the mushrooms are bad for the world, that they are not trust worthy ect.
Message of The Propaganda: The message that the mom is trying to give her kid is that this poisonous mushrooms (Jews) are bad for everyone (non Jew). Also, she tells the child that he cant trust the Jews and that he must be careful because, sometimes you can't tell they are bad.
Technique 1; Fear: In this story it shows that the mom is trying to scare the little kid, and since is a children book the author is trying to scare every kid that reads it. I also think is showing fear because in the short story it kept repeating that one mushroom could kill a whole family. I don't know but if I was reading that book and new Jews were all over the place I would be scared. Also I noticed that in the story it said " they are the DEVIL in human form" and that's just scary.
Technique 2; Make it Big: In this story they are trying to make it big and alert the world of 'how dangerous one single Jew could be". Also I think they were trying to make it big because, the mom says " Jews problems affect the destiny of all of us". It also said that one Jews could destroy a whole village, I think this is a lie how could a single Jew destroy something big, I mean come on he must at least have help from someone else.
Sunday, May 6, 2012
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Photo by: Weird Vintage |
- NOT THE TRUTH ! Obviously not ONE Jew could cause ALL "of misery and distress, illness and death". It takes common sense to figure that out.
- KEEP IT SIMPLE! "The Devil in human form". The phrase is short, easy to remember, and catchy. A 5 year old could handle it. Anyone could use it as an excuse.
- PLAY WITH EMOTION! This story is a horror movie compressed into easy to figure out words. Thinking a "solitary Jew can destroy a whole village, a whole city, even an entire Volk" is sure to cause some fear.
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Nazi Propaganda
Description of Propaganda:
In the story of the Poisonous Mushroom a mother and her son are picking mushrooms, and the kid is a Also bout to grab a poisonous mushroom but his mom tells him no. After that she said there are are good mushrooms and bad mushrooms, as well she said they bad people in the world, like the Jews. She said that the Jews are the poisonous mushroom but in human form.
Message of Propaganda:
The message that the mom is trying to give her son is that Jews are bad, horrible and like a bad diesea. Also she says during the story that " Jews are like the devil in human form. She also tells her son that there really bad that one Jew can wipe out a world not a city or a country but the whole world.
Propaganda Technique#1: Make it Big
I noticed this in the story because if a sentence the mom tells her son. The she says is " Jews problems affect the destiny of all of us". I say this goes under of making it big because that's a big lie. Like how can the problems of race of people are going to affect the rest of the world.
Propaganda Technique #2 Lie:
I saw this important because there making a big lie for example" however friendly Jews try to be they are not". Actually they were the ones who were being like that. Also they would make big lies about jews just because Hitler didn't think they good enough for him. So they were using teh Jews as a scapegoat to create some chaos.